Monday, June 13, 2011

Mirror Mask (2005)- Movies with the girls

My girls are huge Coraline fans.  My oldest has read the graphic novel, novel, watched the movie, and beat the Wii game.  My youngest has yet to read the books, but liked the movie and liked the game.  When we saw Mirror Mask at the library, I told them it was the same talented Neil Gaiman.  My oldest vaguely remembers seeing it from when she was around 5. 

I had seen this movie before and while it left a visual impression on me, I didn't quite remember the story all that much.  It looks like a live action version of Sandman.  It is truly beautiful.  Which isn't surprising given Dave McKean was involved.  I forgot that the movie is actually very slow.  It isn't bad, but it is slow. 

My 6 year old watched and was interested for about half and then she was up and running and watching only when she happened to run by the TV or I threatened to turn it off.  My oldest only woke up when the movie was ending and then wanted to watch the whole thing.  It kept her interest pretty well. 

It is a children's fantasy story with very interesting visuals and a music score that drives the movie.  The acting was good.  It is fine for young kids.  I wouldn't worry about my 6 year old not sitting through it, she generally has a hard time doing so.  It might be targeted at 9-13 year old though.    


Pat Tillett said...

Interesting! I'll have to ask my GD about it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Saw it a while back. Quite the mind trip. Creatures are from Jim Henson's Creature Shop, which is one of the reasons I watched it. Thought it was good!

Ross said...

I got this from Netflix a couple weeks ago. It was definitely too old/slow for my 6 year old. I agree that 9-13 year olds would like it, especially since the protagonist is a teenager. Beautifully depicted and decent story.

StuartOhQueue said...

Great movie. I love "Jim Henson," they do solid work and their "CG-Puppets" are often as cool as their more traditional creatures.

I back onto "Farscape" at the moment thanks to Netflix.