Worst movies:
1. 2012
2. The Core
5. Chain Reaction
6. 6th day (but what about Total Recall)
7. What the @$#% do we know
Best list:
1. Gattaca
2. Contact
3. Metropolis
4. Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)
5. Woman in the Moon
6. Thing from another world
7. Jurassic Park
With criticism comes praise as Gattaca gets two thumbs up. I think I might get along with those NASA guys. Actually I had an Astronomy professor that had worked for NASA and I got along with him famously. What movies do you think belong on the most ludicrous list?
Couldn't you at least find a site that includes the list of best and worst to link back to? Or are you just fluff commenting on a fluff comment?
Anon-I was just passing on something interesting that I found. I did look for the full list at the time and couldn't find it and none of the sources I had listed their source. Per your request I have linked to the full list and added it to the post. Thanks for commenting.
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