I am an unashamed fan of the first two resident evil movies. Even the third one was pretty cool. They all deliver on zombies and crazy mutations. They are a lot of fun. So, of course, I was going to check out Afterlife. I was a bit disappointed right from the start. The actor that played Wesker was wooden and had some horrible lines. Also this movie had zombies in it, but they were not really the focus. The humans were mostly isolated from them and really only had to fight of the mutations.
Plot- The movie picks up right where it left off. Alice is out for revenge against Umbrella. This really wouldn't work as a stand alone movie as you need to have watched most of the previous movies to understand what was going on. I think you can get by with just the recaps in the other movies. So, Alice defeats Umbrella and now fears that she is the last living person. She finds some people holed up in a prison and can't help but stop to help them. Of course, her timing is impecable as all hell is about to break loose.
Characters- Paul Anderson wasn't really on his A-game here. He wasn't getting the best performances from his actors. Milla is Alice, you can't go wrong there, but the other actors just weren't cutting it, especially but not limited to the guy that played Weskers. It was probably a bad script and bad lines, but I really didn't care about anyone in the movie. Of course all the characters went completely undeveloped, so why should I care about them.
Prettyness- The movie is shot almost too polished. Resident Evil is about monsters and zombies at its core. This movie is just too bright and too pretty looking for most of the film. It fails to set a mood and creep you out. This was also a problem with the third movie.
Time- 97 minutes. Really. . .Really. . . Really. . . The movie was practically over once it got started. Hey Paul W. S. Anderson. How about 15 minutes of character development or maybe 10 minutes of fighting zombies.

It wasn't great, but I've mildly enjoyed all of the movies.
Killing the zombies with body hits? FOR SHAME man. Thats just wrong.
Weskers was awful, best thing was the huge mutant, ok movie.
The giant mutant was really cool and I am sure he was sent by umbrella, but it would have been nice to know.
I am one who really loves this franchise too. This one was the worst of the movies thought. It felt like Anderson was playing around with his new 3D camera and forgot about telling some kind of a story. I like the idea of all the alice clones gathering together for a final battle with that stinkin' Umbrella Corporation and I hope the next movie in the series does what was promised after part 3.
the fact that it has Wenty Miller is a reason enough for me to watch it even though I'm not a fan of the franchise.
Dez-My wife is Korean and Koreans call him Soccofeedoo because, I guess, prison break was huge there, so I now call him soccerfield.
I loved the pervious movies and liked this one. If there are five more, I'll probably watch them also.
Nice review!
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