All answers must be in the form of a question, answer in the comments, and no cheating. First person with the most correct answers will get a SciFi Media "no prize" button to display on their website.
1. David Duchovney played agen Fox Mulder on this Fox show.
2. "Beam me up, Scotty" was never actually said in this iconic series.
3. He was the God like Antagonist on Star Trek: TNG.
4. This Fox then SciFi show explored a group of people as they went through rifts to parallel worlds.
5. This show had a living ship named Moya.
6. Carla Gugino played Molly, an expert on worst case scenerios, in this short lived CBS alien invasion show.
7. Brian Austin Green entered this show with groans but proved his acting chops as Derek Reese.
8. Another 90210 alumnus starred in this post apocoliptical survival series co starring Malcolm Jamal Warner on Showtime.
9. This BBC series is the longest running science fiction series on TV.
10. Cowboys in space is how this cancelled Fox show is sometimes described.
1)What is The X-Files?
2)What is Star Trek?
3)Who is Q?
4)What is Sliders?
6)What is Threshold?
8)What is Jeremiah?
9)What is Dr. Who?
10)What is Firefly?
1)What is The X-Files?
2)What is Star Trek?
3)Who is Q?
4)What is Sliders?
5)What is Farscape?
6)What is Threshold?
7)What is "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles?"
8)What is Jeremiah?
9)What is Dr. Who?
10)What is Firefly?
TS-Great Job with 8 correct!
Dark Shinobi-Welcome to SciFi Media, you answered all questions correctly and receive the coveted no prize.
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