Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Thor- Movie Review NCCW

Thor was pretty good.  I say pretty good and not great for a reason.  It just didn't leave much of an impression.  I watched it a few weeks ago and almost immediately forgot it.  While watching it I enjoyed it though.  I am not a huge Thor historian, so I am not sure how close it is to the comic.  I am pretty sure that Thor is a God and not  just mistaken for a God, but actually a super advanced alien race.

Natalie Portman was in this movie along with Kat Dennings.  That was nice.  The guy that plays Thor does a pretty good job and confirmed my opinion that Norse gods would have British accents.

Overall it was a pretty good movie that just didn't have much impact.  Consider it a prequel for the Avengers movie.  While pretty safe for all ages, my girls, 10 &7 lost interest.     


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I really dug it! Watched it a few weeks ago on DVD and liked it even more. Think my wife was busy drooling over Thor for most of the film though.

The Angry Lurker said...

I didn't mind it...loved the Frost Giants!

Max Silver said...

Whenever I think of that movie, I think of that picture with Odin that says "Jesus promised the end of all wicked people. Odin promised the end of all frost giants.


MRanthrope said...

Thor's been my favorite comic hero since I was a kid so I'm kind of biased. The British accent thing is hilarious though.

Budd said...

I think my review came of as harsher than what I meant. It was just kind of like Chinese All you can eat. I felt full at the end but an hour later I was hungry again.

Pat Tillett said...

I missed it, but really want to see it! Now, even more so!

M Pax said...

I've only seen the Syfy version so far, which was really bad. This sounds much better.

icedgurl said...

trekking your amazing blog! keep blogging! happy holidays!


StuartOhQueue said...

"This mortal form grows weak. I require sustenance."

I found myself quoting this line for weeks after I caught "Thor" in theaters. I was really planning on it being awful, which is probably why I enjoyed it so much.