10. Mr. Moon- LJ Booth
9. Humans From Earth- T-Bone Barnett
8. Rocketship- Kathy McCarty
7. Rocketman- Elton John
6. Mr. Spaceman-The Byrds
5. Particle Man- They Might Be Giants
4. Skullcrusher Mountain- Jonathan Coultan
3. Life on Mars- David Bowie
2. Purple People Eater- Sheb Wooley
1. Spaceman- 4 Non Blondes- This gets top billing as it is the song that was running through my mind continuously as I typed this list. Here it is for your enjoyment:
Honorable Mentions- David Bowie -Space Oddity (ground control to Major Tom), Weezer-In the Garage, No Doubt- Tragic Kingdom, Two Little Men in a Flying Saucer- Ella Fitzgerald, almost everything by Jonathan Coultan, and Anything off of They Might Be Giants' Here Comes the Science.
This list was heavily influenced by the awesome album "Hey Mr. Spaceman." It is a great album, escpecially if you have kids.
life on mars, i only recently discovered...
what a great selection of music
thanks for the melody's,
Cool theme. Love it!
Love the theme idea. And, of course, Bowie would be all over a sci-fi music list!
Cool! I knew you'd put a science fiction twist on the fest. Thanks for participating.
That's like a hit list from outer space. I used to study particle physics, but never heard Particle Man. Have to check out that one >:D
Cold As Heaven
Love this list! :) Do you know 'The Humans are Dead'? Flight of the Conchords.
oooh! love rocketman!!! and i'm with m pax on the humans are dead!!! check it out! totally awesome!!! very nearly made my top ten list! :)
Mr. Spaceman! One of my alltime favorites! I like your take on the list...
thanks everyone!- I will have to check out the Flight of the Conchords song. I really like there song Most Beautiful girl in the whole room.
great list, rocketman should be higher though.
I give you props for even knowing who Sheb Wooley is!
Unique approach with a few songs I've actually heard of.
Make sure you check my Wednesday post!
Tossing It Out
Rocketman!! Completely forgot that one. Some great songs on here and a few I've never heard. I'll have to go check them out!
Whoop. Whoop! A sci-fi list. So inspired. And of course, the one anly David Bowie. Sigh.
My Top Ten Songs
Wow, I thought I was the only one who knew who Sheb Wooley was anymore. Great song. Only one I knew. Thanks for sharing.
A Sci-fi list? Outa-this-world! :)
Loving the Bowie shout-out.
Had to be a David Bowie song or two in the mix!
I'm glad Rocketman made it! And Bowie too.
Nice twist! I had forgotten about 4Non Blondes. Thanks for the video!
They Might Be Giants! Why didn't I think of them???
A themed list - what a great idea! Great tracks too. Hard to fault a list with both David Bowie and Sheb Wooley!
Love David Bowie and 4 Non-Blondes!
there is a lot of David Bowie love in this thread. I couldn't leave him out Ziggy Stardust.
They Might Be Giants!! Awesome!
Love that song, particle man, particle man, doing the things a particle can...
So much fun! Love Rocketman and Purple People Eaters!!! :)
Rocketman. Classic. Great list here. And Purple Peater Eater? That took guts - but I love it too! always good for a laugh :)
I know Rocketman and Purple People Eater. That's it. Apparently I need to get out more.
That's a cool and relevant list. I liked it. I'll have to check out some of those songs that caught my eye.
Space Oddity has got to be my absolute favorite David Bowie song.
I have to go listen to it . .
I had to limit myself to a theme too with this one. Too hard to pick out favorite ten otherwise.
I loved Purple People Eater as a kid. Also, I love how you did this by theme.
Wait wait wait --- you CAN'T have this list without PLANET CLAIRE from The B-52's!
I like the theme. Nice choices with David Bowie and Elton John! :)
Life on Mars is a great song! I also like the cover by The Divine Comedy. And hey, there's also D'You Wanna Be A Spaceman by Oasis. And Shater's version of Rocketman [bg]
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