Wednesday, November 30, 2011

All Star Superman: The Movie-NCCW

As much as I don’t like Grant Morrison and really hate a lot of Frank Quitely’s stuff, I actually enjoyed All Star Superman.  I thought that both the writing and the art were great.  It was with enthusiasm that I picked up the movie version of the comic and was not let down there either.  It captured the spirit of the comic.  I did regret that two of my favorite stories were missing (the Jimmy Olsen one and the Clark says goodbye to his father one).  But, neither of those would have really fit into the flow of the movie.  It was a good movie and my kids really enjoyed it as well. 


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

It's animated then?

Max Silver said...

For some reason, this was completely under my radar....

Reid Kemper said...

Didn't know it was a movie. That's something I should look into.

StuartOhQueue said...

I heard that the condensation for screen time actually helped this story. Not often that you hear that from a comic book fan!

I'm still waiting to find out. Damn you "Netflix" and your prolonged waits on new content.