Tuesday, October 02, 2012

The Angels Take Manhattan

I watched the final episode of Amy Pond this weekend, now we can get back to our regularly scheduled Doctor Who.  As you can tell, I am not a big fan of Amy Pond.  I do however love Rory as a companion.  The two are a package deal, I guess, as this weeks episode was their final. 

Weeping Angels and a final episode for companions are ingredients that should make for a great episode.  Blink only had one of those and is probably my favorite hour of TV, ever.  This episode was very lackluster except for a part near the end with Rory and Amy that was actually quite good.  Shame it didn't end there, and the rest of the episode was an incoherent ball of timey wimeyness with a plot so full of holes that even the holes had holes.  Yes, the statue of liberty is a weeping angel.  It is a fun idea, but you got to throw that one away once you think about it. 

Well, the companion is dead, long live the companion. 


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Wish I was a Dr. Who fan, but the show never grabbed me. I know lots of people are talking about Amy right now though.

Kal said...

I hated the show as a kid because I didn't get it but I love the new incarnation that has been with us since 2005. I am glad Amy is gone but I have to admit the final scene of him reading the last page of the novel got to me. He gave the 'Girl Who Waited' hope and that was a nice fairy tale moment for me.

Pat Tillett said...

I know this show has a world wide following, but I never got it! I've tried to get into it a few times over the years, but I just don't get the attraction. Oh well, I'm sure many folks don't get me either...

Maurice Mitchell said...

Budd, I agree it could have been better. The Statute thing makes no sense, but I was willing to go along if they'd just explained when there is ever a time no one is looking at the most famous statute in the world. Touching to see them together though. Cool blog. Visit http://www.thegeektwins.com if you feel like it. We'd love to have you there.